Friends of Pinole Creek Watershed
Stewards of Pinole Creek Since 2001
About the Watershed
The Pinole Creek Watershed covers approximately 15 square miles in the north-west part of Contra Costa County. The watershed includes portions of the cities of Pinole and Hercules as well unincorporated areas such as the EBMUD Pinole Valley property and sections of El Sobrante and the Briones Agricultural Preserve.
The Pinole Creek Watershed unifies a diverse community that is actively involved in its stewardship and Pinole Creek is a central feature of the landscape. Creek-side trails link parks, schools, and neighborhoods. The riparian habitat and clean waters are home to diverse species including a native steelhead trout population.
Friends of Pinole Creek Watershed was formed in 2001 by Dr. Joe Mariotti and Carol Arnold. Since then, the Friends of Pinole Creek Watershed has engaged in restoration projects, native and pollinator garden projects, ecological surveys, environmental education, trash assessments and numerous other projects.
About the Friends of Pinole Creek Watershed (FOPCW)

20 + years of Friends of Pinole Creek Watershed
Our Board of Directors
Carol Arnold Carol Bray Paula Jarvis Ann Moriarty Bert Mulchaey Bill Voigt
Our Partners
The Watershed Project (Fiscal Sponsor)