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Pinole Creek Allies October Trash Cleanup

The October trash cleanup and trash retention installation was a great success. Volunteers recovered baby items, tires, fast-food trash, and LOTS of cigarette butts. Thanks to those who focused on the small trash that is so troublesome. We had help from Jamie and Elaine from Friends of Alhambra Creek, our neighboring watershed, who devoted themselves to pulling out stinkwort, a terrible invasive. Volunteers installed a trash retention system to keep trash in the Bowling Alley parking lot, NOT in the creek. Jobs well done! Total haul for the day, including large items from an encampment was 189.4 pounds of trash. You rock, Pinole Creek Allies!

Join us for Pinole Creek Allies October Trash Cleanup! Meet on the creek trail behind Sprouts. We'll check how the new fence behind the Bowling Alley parking lot is doing and add some more preventative measures to keep trash from blowing into the creek from the lot. Bring a trash grabber if you have one (we'll have some available) and a refillable water bottle. Looking forward to a great time together!

September 21

California Coastal Cleanup Day

November 16

November Community Creek Cleanup